Ask Colette Advice

Politically Speaking

Dear Colette, I’ve been taught there are two things you shouldn’t talk about – politics and religion. Of course, I do discuss these topics among close friends who I know are respectful of varying viewpoints, as I am. But I don’t consider these subjects appropriate in an office setting.  Unfortunately, I have a co-worker who…

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Tagged Out

Dear Colette,     I have a friend who works for a multi-level marketing company and often posts her invitations to upcoming events directly on my Facebook page. It’s awkward because I want to support her business, but I resent having to go in and hide these invites from my timeline. What do you suggest? -Tagged…

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Sweet and Sour

Dear Colette,     I recently participated in your Emotional Intelligence (EI) webinar and have a question regarding EI and assertiveness. What do you do if you work with a colleague who makes you look like an idiot in meetings and then acts so sweetly one-on-one if you mention the behavior? (“Oh, I didn’t mean to…

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Burned Up and Burned Out

Dear Colette, I’m the office manager at my company, where I’ve worked for almost a decade. During that time we have downsized dramatically. People are always watching what you do and how you do it or questioning whether it should even be done anymore. Even sighs are now evaluated.  After working for the same boss…

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Just Say No

Dear Colette,     In the past, I’ve received feedback from my supervisor that I must learn to sometimes say “no” to others’ requests for my time on projects that aren’t necessarily within our scope. But guess what? The one time I did say “no” – in a nice way and offering alternatives – it was…

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Giving Uncomfortable Feedback to a Colleague with a Distracting Behavior

Dear Colette,     I’m part of a sales team, and a colleague sometimes joins me on sales calls to offer technical support to the customer. She really knows her stuff, and I appreciate her knowledge, but she has a habit that I find incredibly distracting: She’s constantly fiddling with her hair – brushing her bangs…

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Concerned About Teen’s Text

Dear Colette, I’d like to get your insight into something I had to deal with recently with my teen daughter.   Late one evening, over a school holiday, she received a text from a friend (not a close friend) that caused her concern. This girl, who’s known to be a drama queen, indicated she was…

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Truth or Office Gossip Consequences?

Dear Colette, While I realize office gossip is not to be paid attention to, a few “oddities” have been occurring at work that, taken together, I find disturbing. The last unsettling piece is information from a colleague who told me she’s heard office whispers that my supervisor and two others are going to be “encouraged…

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Space At A Premium

Dear Colette,     My husband, who is in sales, recently started working out of our home due to downsizing at his company. We’ve rearranged furniture to create an office space in a corner of the family room. It’s not ideal but is the only viable option for now. Here’s my dilemma: He’s earned lots of…

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