One Surprising Way to Avoid Unhappiness

Be Here Now! Not only is that the title of spiritual teacher Ram Dass’s book published over 40 years ago, but it’s the rallying cry of the mindfulness movement (and the cry of the frustrated homeowner waiting for the cable guy). Based on the latest research, it’s also a way to avoid unhappiness.   Be…

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#1 Way to Survive the HoliDAZE

Keeping this month’s article short and sweet because we know that this season is chock full of additional, and often unrealistic, expectations–entertaining relatives, parties, decorating, shopping, wrapping, cooking, and cleaning. Emotions run high as most are sharing this seasonal stress, as well as crowded mall parking lots. Number one way to lower your stress? Crazy…

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What Is Draining Your Energy?

If you are like me, you are often searching for ways to have more energy.  Stress drains us of our energy, weakens our focus, our immune system, and our brilliance.  Research says prevention is still the number one way to reduce stress.  Stop the stress from happening in the first place! Stop Doing One More…

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Make Your Word Gold or it Has No Value

What is the value of your word? One of my coaching clients recently hosted a direct sales party. If you’re unfamiliar, the get-togethers follow the Tupperware party model, but showcase everything from cooking tools to clothing, anti-aging creams to adult toys.  Fifteen people said they would come, and eighteen more said maybe.  Not wanting to…

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5 Ways to Stress Less Through the Holidays!

Every year I send out an email around Thanksgiving about gratitude. Personally, I’m grateful I’ve learned to speak my truth in my thoughts, my words, and actions.  Doing so has led me to stress less, laugh more, and enjoy what the holidays really mean to me – spending quality time with loved ones instead of…

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