To Survive in Business – Be More Like da Vinci

According to Walter Isaacson, biographer and author of Leonardo da Vinci,  an important takeaway from the genius painter is that “being curious about everything not only makes you more creative, it enriches your life.”  Turns out the artist who painted the Mona Lisa (and is often credited with the inventions of the parachute, helicopter and tank)…

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Attraction Requires Action

How many of you spent mind-time visualizing what you want your 2014 to look like? It’s a good idea to do so, because after all, the Law of Attraction, popularized by the book and movie The Secret, says that you will draw to yourself situations that reflect your dominant thoughts and beliefs. Perhaps you even…

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One Thing You Must Do Before Year-end

You know the drill. Starting in January, everywhere you look you’re going to be inundated with frenzied messages urging you to make fresh starts, set goals, and take action (which is why you need to eat those holiday cookies now!!). But before you spend too much time figuring out where you’re going, the one thing…

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Are You Having an Out-of-Money Experience?

If so, the truth is you need to go on a diet. A money diet. Now I realize that four-letter word can make the best of us run toward the nearest mall to stock up, just like starting a diet can send you on a Farewell to Food tour. But here’s why you must. Only…

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Who’s Lying to You?

You’re being lied to.  You know it, or at least you suspect it. Fakes, imposters, and liars surround you. And it’s everywhere. At work:  A Montclair University study about lying in the workplace discovered:  91% of participants “believed lying occurs to some degree in the workplace.” The top 10 lies included: covering up a mistake,…

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