Are you someone who looks forward to Valentine’s Day sending out cards and well wishes to friends and family or do you lock yourself in the house with a box of chocolates wondering why you aren’t in the relationship of your dreams? Somewhere in the middle? Why not see the day for what it is? A day to send yourself some love and appreciation.
I’ve been around the block long enough to have experienced the A-Z of Valentine’s Day. Didn’t even have a date on Red Day until I was in my 30’s, have been treated to beautiful flowers, candy, gifts and dinner, and also can remember a year when filling out my card to my honey required carefully chosen words to avoid acknowledging the truth of our failed relationship. This year, I’m back to a day of love with someone who brings out the best in me. What have I learned while cruising through the alphabet? All love starts with self-love.
Try something new this Valentine’s Day – write yourself a love letter. Sit down with a beautiful piece of stationary or a card, pour a cup of your favorite liquid, and go into juicy detail listing all your wonderful qualities (don’t forget your sing-song voice, curve of your back, ability to listen and keen sense of observation). Re-read your own love letter daily to remember how truly special and lovely you are – just the way you are.
Happy Valentine’s Day to you!