Dear Colette,
How do you deal with the person who stops by your office asking if you’ve “got a minute” when it’s never turns out to be a minute? I understand that they need to come to me for information, but how can I manage the time more effectively?
No Time to Spare
Dear No Time to Spare,
No matter how good we are at blocking out our time in order to focus, there will always be interruptions. We can either let them frustrate us or we can learn to be honest and assertive. The next time someone says, “Gotta minute?” I encourage you to respond, “Actually, I have just one. Will that be enough or can I call you back at 3:00 (or whatever time you’ve designated). Another option is “At the moment I’m working on this project. However, let’s look at our calendars and set up a time to connect.” Remember, no one will respect your time unless you do!