A Powerful Strategy to Avoid Everyday Stress

A Powerful Strategy to Avoid Everyday Stress

While watching fireworks I flashed back to a prior 4th of July when my then four-year-old daughter shared a key strategy to minimizing stress. We were attending a party with a few hundred others at a friend’s coastal home. The view was outstanding, but their home only had one bathroom. When my daughter and I…

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How Worried Are You Right Now?

As a professional eavesdropper, I recently overhead two people discuss everything that is going wrong in the world today (including being late to board our flight). The smart aleck in me held back from whipping around and breaking into Bobby McFerrin’s “Don’t Worry, Be Happy” tune to end their broken record of doom. We crave…

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5 Ways to Create Boundaries (to Avoid Workplace Burnout)

Feeling burned-out? Fried? Crispy? Well-done and over it? Already planning your next weekend on Monday morning at 8:02 a.m.? Oh, that’s right…I forgot. Someone already scheduled their mandatory Monday team meeting for 6:45 a.m. before the 8:00 a.m. staff meeting so your plans will have to wait. Am I being flippant? According to recent employee…

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3 Strategies to Overcome Emotional Exhaustion

Are you tired of being tired? Experiencing one repetitious day after another as you struggle to maintain your energy or focus? Too tired from sitting all day to even get up and move? Lost interest in picking up the phone and connecting with a friend? Or, maybe you simply lost your zest, gusto, or passion…

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Why You Must Choose Rituals vs. Resolutions

  As a virtual keynote speaker who provides strategies for successful behavioral change, resolutions are so last year. Why? Without massive desire and discipline, individuals fail to achieve their stated goals. And to avoid feeling like a failure, yet again, most people avoid setting resolutions. I should know, as I spent years making and breaking…

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Why you Must Suspend Judgment to Survive and Thrive

During an action-packed movie scene, it’s not uncommon to watch a getaway vehicle, being chased by seven squad cars, fly 300 feet off a bridge, land smack dab in the middle of a busy freeway going the wrong way and still make it to safety. Or, perhaps during a thriller an individual awakes to the…

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Now is the Time to Take Control…Or Let It Go!

Quarantines, travel restrictions, remote work (with children underfoot), isolation, and financial loss due to cancellations, reduced hours, or the stock market all contribute to individuals feeling a lack of control. A lack of control increases stress, worry, and anxiety because you feel you don’t have the resources to handle what’s in front of you –…

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3 Powerful Ways to Lead with Heart

Business articles and books which marry the theme of leadership with heart have gained traction of late, and as a speaker on the power of connection, I’m thrilled to witness the joyful union. When Robert K. Greenleaf coined the phrase “servant leadership” over 30 years ago, who knew it would take this long to shift…

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