5 Keys to Get Growing in Your Career

5 Keys to Get Growing in Your Career

Spring is a time of new growth and, I believe, a time of infinite possibility and personal development. However, just as you can’t expect a rose to grow and bloom in the desert, you can’t expect your career to blossom without nurturing.   Focus on the process, not the outcome. Before I begin talking about…

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5 Key Trends Leaders and Teams Must Embrace

Has it only been a few years since the pandemic? Pretty much. In that time, we have changed the way we meet, the way we communicate, the way we schedule, our work culture and in the process our work mindsets. The whirlwind brought to us by an infinitesimally small viral particle has changed us as…

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Rethink: 5 Keys to Build Resilience and Results

As 2021 comes to an end, what did you rethink or unlearn over the past couple of years in order to personally and professionally survive and thrive? I’ll go first. Being well versed in the science of change didn’t stop me from initially doubting the success of virtual events. After all, how could the energy,…

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5 Ways to Make Hybrid Work, Work with Less Burnout

Make Hybrid Work, Work with Less Burnout Are we virtual today, in-person, in-person on alternate days, every other week, masked, unmasked, sometimes masked? And, by the way, does anyone have a rubber band? Huh?   My point in bringing up the ubiquitous, commonly used, taken-for-granted, rubber band is that our co-workers are hardly elastic. We…

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How to Thrive in the Ever-Changing Hybrid Work Model

“If we don’t change, we don’t grow. If we don’t grow, we aren’t really living.” — Gail Sheehy The pandemic changed our world overnight demanding agility, flexibility and innovation on every level. Businesses, leaders and teams adjusted to survive, leaving individuals to work from their kitchen table or a bedroom corner. Now that we’re almost…

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Why You Must Choose Rituals vs. Resolutions

  As a virtual keynote speaker who provides strategies for successful behavioral change, resolutions are so last year. Why? Without massive desire and discipline, individuals fail to achieve their stated goals. And to avoid feeling like a failure, yet again, most people avoid setting resolutions. I should know, as I spent years making and breaking…

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The Absolute Best Way to Ask For and Receive Actionable Feedback

Have you ever worked with someone who couldn’t benefit from gaining advice on their career? How about gaining awareness of a behavior that’s getting in their way? I didn’t think so. Why then is it so difficult to both ask for and receive quality feedback? Although people say they want to learn and grow, everyone…

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7 Speaking Strategies to Build Confidence and Connection

The woman in the royal blue jacket sitting in the front row gasped when she heard my next request. “One at a time, please walk to the front of the room, plant your feet, smile, and say both your name and where you work.” Easy, right? Simply stating your name and employer information doesn’t require…

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Are you Contributing to the Loneliness Epidemic?

Loneliness is detrimental, destructive, and sometimes deadly. Loneliness has the same impact on mortality as smoking 15 cigarettes a day, more than even obesity. Different than depression or feelings of solitude, loneliness is more about the quality of a person’s social relationships. The workplace is not immune, and everyone pays the price when loneliness strikes.…

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