
Are You Truly Celebrating the Season?

2022 brought uncertainty, inflation, supply-chain shortages, bigotry, uncomfortable change and all too often, vitriol. The demands on everyone’s time only seemed to increase causing many to look for greener pastures, others to skate by and even fewer to draw boundaries. Yet, even with all of the post-Covid, inflation-ridden, uncertain drama, I hope you still are…

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Make Your Word Gold or it Has No Value

What is the value of your word? One of my coaching clients recently hosted a direct sales party. If you’re unfamiliar, the get-togethers follow the Tupperware party model, but showcase everything from cooking tools to clothing, anti-aging creams to adult toys.  Fifteen people said they would come, and eighteen more said maybe.  Not wanting to…

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The Power of the Name Game

“You’re too smart to not remember his name,” are the exact words Harvey Mackay, founder and chairman of a $100 million company and author of six New York Times bestselling books, shared with me prior to a dinner engagement during the annual National Speaker’s Association Conference. His sage advice ringed with truth and reminded me…

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