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Time Sensitive Volunteer

Dear Colette, As a volunteer for a community group, I’m frustrated with our monthly meetings and looking for help. Technically, I’m not supervising the individuals I work with on my particular project, but we are all responsible for getting monthly updates and insights in our particular area from one another. One person in particular, rather…

Are Your Strengths Sabotaging You?

~ Chris Matakas, #Human: Learning To Live In Modern Times Call it the duality of existence, or universal yin and yang, but there is a natural balance in life, both around and within us. When I consider this applied personally, I’m reminded of my long-held belief that whatever we naturally excel at both serves and…

Will you Reject Me Already?

“You may not realize it when it happens, but a kick in the teeth may be the best thing in the world for you.” ~Walt Disney Among the most vivid memories stored in my brain’s what-doesn’t-kill-us-makes-us-stronger area is that day on the school bus in 7th grade. New to the neighborhood and school, I wanted…