Person holding their phone watching netflix

The Netflix Culture Memo: 7 Powerful Leadership & Life Lessons

In the ever-evolving landscape of corporate culture, Netflix has once again positioned itself as a beacon of innovative and forward-thinking practices. With the recent update to its famous “culture memo,” Netflix continues to challenge traditional corporate norms, emphasizing the principles of freedom and responsibility. This refresh, spearheaded by Chief Talent Officer Sergio Ezama, underscores the…

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Bill Walton's

5 Leadership Lessons from Basketball Legend Bill Walton’s Life and Career

Growing up with a sports enthusiast father who always had a game on TV or the car radio meant that I was constantly immersed in the world of sports, overhearing stories of athletes he admired, including the legendary basketball player Bill Walton. Walton’s recent passing made me reflect on his remarkable life and career, which…

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Leaders who make their own mental wellness a priority not only boost their own performance but also cultivate a supportive atmosphere that promotes the well-being and productivity of their teams.

Unlocking Mental Fitness: 5 Habits Every Leader Needs to Thrive

In today’s high-stress business environment, mental health is not just a personal concern but a leadership imperative. May, being Mental Health Awareness Month, offers an opportune moment for reflection and action. Especially since despite efforts made to improve workforce mental health, employees are still struggling. The recent statistics are a wake-up call: Sixty-one percent of…

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Communicating Boundaries: Key to Career Freedom?

In today’s dynamic work environments, where the distinction between professional and personal spaces blurs, especially with the ascent of remote work, the art of setting boundaries emerges as a pivotal skill. It’s akin to being a modern-day knight establishing your own kingdom: you need walls (boundaries) to protect the realm (your sanity), but also gates…

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emotional intelligence

7 Tools to Cultivate Emotional Intelligence

Not long ago, a friend living in a mid-sized city was facing a serious health issue and required immediate surgery. As word got around to the family, one family member living in a major city that boasted of an impressive medical center, insisted our friend must seek out a specific surgeon she recommended who had…

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Stop Spreading the News

Stop Spreading the News

“May I ask where you gathered that information? I’d like to learn more.” It is a simple, straightforward statement that should be on everyone’s lips, and yet the general lack of facts in regard to just about anything is tearing so many of us apart. Oh, I am not talking about politics, or baseball trade…

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