How Empty is Your Wellness Tank?
If you want more balance, you must fill up your wellness tank.
If you want more balance, you must fill up your wellness tank.
Leaders unknowingly destroy trust, undermine productivity, increase employee stress, and decrease engagement through inconsistent behaviors and practices. Substitute the word “leader” for salesperson, administrator, teacher, coach or parent, and the statement still rings true. Recent research even suggests employees prefer a supervisor who consistently acts like a jerk rather than an unpredictable one who wavers…
No, this article is not about setting aside your judgement and becoming more compassionate towards those you lead to create better connections. In fact, it’s just the opposite. I’m proposing that to maximize your relationships with others, you must first boldly accept yourself…flaws and all. Let me explain. Acceptance requires reflection and ownership of your…
One of my coaching clients recently hosted a direct sales party. If you’re unfamiliar, the get-togethers follow the Tupperware party model, but showcase everything from cooking tools to clothing, anti-aging creams to adult toys. Fifteen people said they would come, and eighteen more said maybe. Not wanting to run short, she made a full spread…
Dear Colette, I have been asked by my sister and her friend to help them launch the same type of business I own. They want me to share every last detail and best practice I’ve worked years to perfect. I am VERY conflicted because I do not want to be unhelpful, yet if I do,…
In all the media frenzy over the Sony hacking scandal, one story concerning actress Amy Adams caught my attention. In case you missed it, Amy was scheduled to appear on NBC’s Today show to promote her latest film, “Big Eyes” (which earned her a Golden Globe this past Sunday). While waiting backstage, she was informed…
Shortly after sending out my monthly e-zine a few years back, I received an email from one of my subscribers, an executive assistant. “You are completely professional, articulate, and obviously a very intelligent speaker. So, when I read you’re most recent e-zine, I wondered if it was a test for us to see if we…
I was watching TV the other night – purely for the purpose of doing research for this blog post, of course, when I was drawn into an episode of “Restaurant: Impossible.” For anyone unfamiliar with this reality show, celebrity chef Robert Irvine helps failing restaurants make a turnaround. In two days, Robert and his team…
“You’re too smart to not remember his name,” are the exact words Harvey Mackay, founder and chairman of a $100 million company and author of six New York Times bestselling books, shared with me prior to a dinner engagement during the annual National Speaker’s Association Conference. His sage advice ringed with truth and reminded me…
Are you someone who looks forward to Valentine’s Day sending out cards and well wishes to friends and family or do you lock yourself in the house with a box of chocolates wondering why you aren’t in the relationship of your dreams? Somewhere in the middle? Why not see the day for what it is?…