Isn’t it interesting how, when spring fever hits, we spend time and energy organizing closets, washing windows and throwing out junk from the garage? Well, at a minimum we think about tackling these projects! Yet, we never take time to clear out negative thoughts or limiting thinking. We cling to those self-sabotaging subtleties that prevent us from living a life filled with clarity, purpose and joy. As the seasons change and the birds begin to sing, the weather warms and the trees bloom, it’s the perfect time to purge our mind of stinking thinking.
Where to begin? The first step in the quest for a mental un-cluttering is awareness. Recognize when your inner committee (always more than one!) shows up and starts chirping about your abilities. “You can’t do that!” “You’re too old to change careers.” “You’re not smart enough to start your own business.” All LIES (Limiting Ideas Eliminate Success) to strip your confidence and cause you to take a step back, do nothing, and play it safe. Lies that get you to quit before you begin. Lies covertly protecting you from harm, when in truth they are causing you continuing, unnecessary pain.
Play a game with yourself and notice how many times the LIES pop up on a daily basis to make you feel guilty (“I yelled at my kids, I’m a horrible parent”), to make you doubt yourself (“I better not ask for a raise, it’s not a good time”), or to make you play small (“Even though my company pays for university classes, I can’t handle the homework”). Pay careful attention to the distinction between the fact and the falsity.
The truth is you raised your voice at your children, but it doesn’t necessarily make you a bad parent – that’s the lie. The truth is you may have to adjust your schedule, ask for help, or be tutored to manage college homework, but that you can’t handle it – there’s the lie. The truth is you’ve managed everything that has shown up in your life thus far. Why couldn’t you deal with this one too?
Becoming aware of how these LIES control your decisions is critical to making positive change. Just like old clothes that no longer fit, it’s time to let go of thoughts that don’t serve you to free up space and energy to go after what you now know you want.
Remember, our minds can only hold one thought at a time. You decide what to keep and what to toss. Why not focus on your gifts and incredible talents? Grab the Windex, wipe off the mirrors of your mind and see clearly how bright and brilliant you are meant to be. And that’s no lie.