Dear Colette,
Without being prompted, a colleague hand delivered my resume to an individual with a company that I would love to work for. He says it looks good, but I won’t know for a few weeks. Just yesterday my boss, who I truly respect, asked me to take on an assignment that will last over a year. He stressed how important the commitment is because the last person left halfway through. I’m thrilled to get this assignment, but I would still choose to move to the other company if I get the chance. My boss wants an answer immediately. What should I do?
Dear Confused,
You know what you want which is half the battle. You want to work for the other company if you get the chance. You also want the assignment your boss presented if you remain. Although I always encourage individuals to speak their truth, in a work environment you need to be more cautious. I would encourage you to make a decision based on the information you have at hand which means accepting the assignment your boss offered. Should you receive an offer from the other company, you can let your supervisor know that you weren’t looking for the position, but rather it came to you and you need to take advantage of the opportunity. Best of success to you!