Dear Colette,
I’m house sitting with my husband this summer while ours is being remodeled. Most of the time this set-up is totally win-win because it helps us save on rent. However, most of these people have pets, and truthfully, I’m not a pet lover. I’m happy to provide for these animals, but the next house we’re going to the woman wants her dog to sleep in her bed with us while she’s away. Should I simply tell her that my husband jerks while he sleeps and might harm the dog?
Perplexed Pet Sitter
Dear Perplexed,
Have you been ever been harmed by your sleeping husband? My common sense is telling me that you don’t want the dog in bed with you and are looking for a way out of the situation. To use your husband as the patsy is a bit manipulative when it is simply easier to speak your truth. When the woman brings up the sleeping arrangements, simply say, “Since I don’t have any pets myself that would make me uncomfortable. However, the dog would be welcome to sleep alongside the bed or do you have another solution?” When you’re an animal lover you often don’t realize that not everybody else is. She may come up with another option and you won’t be sharing the bed with anyone but your “jerky” husband. Sweet dreams.